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    Lucerne and Teff Hay Cube 20kg

    SKU: MSF
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    Our Teff and Lucerne Hay Cubes are made from 100% pure premium leafy green irrigated Lucerne and high quality Teff hay free from unwanted additives in a highly palatable 32mm high fibre cube form. Our Teff and Lucerne Hay Cubes are a cool low sugar all round feed for horses and ponies. They are low in NSC making them perfect for horses or ponies that need a low sugar / low starch diet such as those that suffer from metabolic diseases such as Laminitis or Cushings Disease. Introducing Hay Cubes Gradually introduce soaked Hay Cubes into your horse’s diet over a 14 day period. Soak the hay cubes (1:1 ratio) in cold (1 hour) or warm (30 mins) water until properly softened. After 14 days you can reduce the water gradually to feed the hay cubes dry, or if your horse prefers, they can continue to be fed soaked. Offering Hay Cubes in smaller pieces as a treat allows horses and ponies to readily accept the alternative form. Feeding Recommendations Always feed by weight not volume. Horses require a minimum of 1.5% of body weight (kg) of forage per day. For example 4.5kg per day for a 300kg pony or 7.5kg for a 500kg horse. Forage requirements depend on pasture availability, horse’s weight, age, size, condition and work level. Fresh drinking water should always be available.
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